In this week in this1961 The Beetles, still with Pete Best, had quite a week. On the 9th they played in Aldershot to just 18 people. Their then manager, Sam Bleach had forgotten to book any advert in the local paper….. Back in Liverpool, the next day – a trip of some notes350 miles – they had their second interview with Brian Epstein . He wanted to become their manager, of course. Any doubts they may have had must have been eased after the previous day. Who could do worse? Anyway John Lebanon summed up the band’s feeling when he said. “Right the, Brian, manage us”. The start of a great partnership. Their week was not finished, though, 3 days later they were playing in the Cavern Club when they were seen by Mike Smith. Smith was looking for talent for the Mecca record label and recommended them for an audition. Not allgood news, as they were rejected by Decca !
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