Michael Michael Jackson – Why Wait Till He’s Dead ? (part 3)

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I never thought when I started this blog that Michael Jackson would provide the first serial post, but then he was such a sad person perhaps I should have.

I said in the last post about Michael Jackson that we should expect lots of litigation. I am reminded by James (thanks James) that only in May of this year Ola Ray started proceedings against MJ. Ray played the girlfriend in the Thriller video. According to James she is an ex-playmate, but I do not know about that. She says that she is due a 2.5% of the revenues from the video plus SAG and AFTRA royalties (What are they?).

Another bit of litigation associated with Thriller was launched in January by John Landis, who directed the video. He claimed that he was owed 50% of “Thriller” video and documentary revenue.

So, Ray wants 2.5% Landis 50%, just how much would have been left for Jacko? Especially after he fought the litigation using one of his 13 (yes, 13) high profile and expensive lawyers. 2 things occur to me. First, in the late 50s (I think) there was a British film about an author who kept selling 10% of his successful play, he was a bit of an idiot, until his outgoings to agents, representatives etc. totaled 110% of the play’s takings.

The second thing that occurs to me is that you have no idea of the pressure that MJ must have been under. Financial, legal and personal. If it is true that his health was failing as badly as some are saying then undertaking such a large run of comeback shows must have been very daunting, and a desperate throw of the dice. If I was in that situation I think that I would want a sympathetic doctor as well………..

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