On 18th March 1967* my friend Pete Sowter came up to me in school and handed me a single. “You must listen to this, it’s great!” he said (or something similar, it is 42 years ago). He also Said that he had no idea what it was about but the singer wanted to kiss a man, not something that was common on records in 1967.
Like thousands of others Pete had misheard the lyrics on one of the best singles ever released, one that is rightly now regarded as a classic. ‘Purple Haze’ by Hendrix was released and was a massive hit, in the UK, in the USA it only reached the mid 60’s in the Billboard chart. Once again proving that the UK was undoubtedly far ahead of the States when it came to music in the 60s. (Apart from Zappa, Lou, The Captain, It’s A Beautiful Day, etc………)
* I had it in my mind that Purple Haze was released on 26 August 1967 and that is why I started this entry. It was not until I had finished it that I checked the date, oops! Now that I think of it it could not have been August ‘cos I was in school when Pete gave me the single. In August school would have been on holiday. I must check some of the other ‘On This Day’ events that I have gathered into a schedule for future use. Either that or I could change to title to ‘On This Day, Probably’.
Anyway, it is a great excuse to show a great video.